Adriana Sierchuk is an architect that builds impressive houses. Her studio has won a lot of architecture, decoration and design international awards All of them have very unique design pieces. This makes Adriana the architect that the Argentinean upper class prefers. She is a specialist in building really; customized houses, designed to cater and reflect the owner’s unique personality, taste and needs.
Some months ago, the global crisis, added to a national one that was already taking place was an explosive cocktail to the local construction business (which until then was doing great): suddenly all the projects Adriana was working on were put on hold or cancelled. 
Everything is reactivated now, but not everything is the same as before: she noticed a behavior change, her clients no longer ask for “customize to the extreme” “unique things for them” houses. They are still asking for interesting designs, but not that extreme. The reason behind the attitude shift is simple: they need “easy to re-sale” houses. These clients now are willing to compromise design that expresses their uniqueness, if that will give them flexibility to sell fast if they need-want to.
In Argentina’s chaotic economic environment those who have a lot of money are buying expensive things, but they need to have the freedom to transform those things back into money if “something happens”.
Challenge: Understand that in crisis times there are no long projects, and if we are asking them to make a big purchase, we need to offer them the flexibility to reverse it.

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